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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Want to know what is a DA moment?  Want to see the video of the flipping game that Bobby created for Chuck?

The Definitive DA Guide
brilliantly created by Mark Schaefer

Revisit the episode where Mark talks about what a DA Moment truly is...

Flow Chart for what is a DA moment.

How to Play Cup Flipping Game

Revisit the episode where Bobby Gottfried tries to help Chuck out...

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Chuck and Roxy drawn by Eric Londergan
He likes crunchy… She likes smooth…He’s always over but she’s “adaptable”  However they both LOVE
“Meeting the Littles!!”
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Podcast Logo Designed and drawn by Eric LonDergan
Webmistress  - Dina (in Damascus) Yagodich
Research Assistant - Claire Natola

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