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Chuck and Roxy are back and open todays show with a story about their TWO trips to the police station over the last couple of days. Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome Rick Schmitt from Storm Cloud Brewery! (18:00) EMAIL: BREWERY WEBSITE: THEATRE WEBSITE: Then our hosts close out the show with some announcements and your emails. (45:00)

GUEST: Rick Schmitt

SONG: "Everything's Gonna Be Alright" by SYLK written by William Emert. Email: YouTube channel:


Chuck and Roxy are back and open the show announcing their "Name that Tune" contest winner and also talking about an experience Chuck had for the first time in his life! Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome Chris Summa to the podcast! We talk all about his Volleyball and Football coaching and his new business! (12:30) TWITTER: @ammusvb FACEBOOK "All Elite Sublimation" EMAIL: INSTAGRAM: @allelitesublimation Then our hosts close out the show with our weekly Loyal Littles Podcast Fantasy Football update, your emails and notes! (38:30)

GUEST: Chris Summa

SONG: "Take Back" performed by The Briars and written by Robert Lovett. WEBSITE: FACEBOOK:


Chuck and Roxy are back and are joined by 3rd Wheel Sydney and open the show with not one but TWO new contests! They also go into all this years finalists for the Toy Hall Of Fame inductions and discuss what's a toy? Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome Gaston Kroub to the podcast! (20:00) COLUMN: (Search Gaston Kroub) Then our hosts close out the show with your emails, notes, and The Friday 5 by Jennifer Korpik! (49.00)

GUEST: Gaston Kroub

SONG: "Broken Heart" by The Pat McGee band. INSTAGRAM: @patmcgeeband FACEBOOK: The Pat McGee Band CONCERT: Saturday October 14th at Capital One Hall. WEBSITE: TWITTER / INSTAGRAM / FACE BOOK: @WeRockCancer EMAIL: USE OUR CODE (CHOXY) for 20% off tickets!!!

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Chuck and Roxy drawn by Eric Londergan
He likes crunchy… She likes smooth…He’s always over but she’s “adaptable”  However they both LOVE
“Meeting the Littles!!”
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Podcast Logo Designed and drawn by Eric LonDergan
Webmistress  - Dina (in Damascus) Yagodich
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