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Chuck and Roxy are back and open the show with a recap of their Mothers Day trip up to Connecticut. Then they talk about a few emails they got about celebrity grave sites and Upper case / Lower case letters. They also encourage you to head over to FACEBOOK and join "Littles Picking Games" OR TWITTER: @thegrandstander to get into the PGA golf tournament this weekend. Then they plug Dan Bern's mini Midwest tour again. Go to for all the information. Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome Cheev from Somerville to the podcast (15:00). He talks about his adventures during his "3 gap years" before he went to grad school and how he got into arcuphunpture. Then they talk all about Fantasy Soccer and Spiderman Turn off the Dark (one of Broadways biggest financial flops). TWITTER: @MasterCheev They then close out the show with some more of your e-mails and notes. (48:00)

GUEST: Cheev from Somerville

SONG: "Theatre" by Rock Island. Written and produced by Evan Parish SOUND CLOUD: BAND CAMP:


Chuck and Roxy are back and open the show with a shout out to all the Mothers out there, all the various 31 “National” Days and then talk about their own one and a million stories! Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome Jonathan Szczepanski to the podcast! (16:00) They talk all about his life and how he decided to make a major life career change and started building furniture! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: Jonathan Szczepanski TWITTER: @JPSzczepanski Then our hosts close out the show with your emails, notes, and Chuck also discloses another "hobby / passion" of his. (49:00)

GUEST: Jonathan Szczepanski

SONG: "Blue Sky (The Only Blue I Know)" by Mark Thacker Facebook and YouTube Channel: Mark Thacker Music


Chuck and Roxy are back and open the show with some TV talk about series finales and a show that has been canceled. Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome Larry Marshall to the podcast! (17:00) They talk about how he was at the AFC Championship game the year the Colts won the Super Bowl and a very special hobby he has! ETSY: Foot Hills Collective OR Search "Kornheiser" TWITTER: larzmarshall INSTAGRAM: @foothillscollective MISSION: Hippo Valley Christian Mission. Then our hosts close out the show with your emails and a birthday story that our hosts would like to get your feed back on. (46:30)

GUEST: Larry Marshall

SONG: "Heaven’s Gate" by The Desert Bandits. Written and recorded by Greg Kelso and Stewart Logan. Email: Face Book:

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