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Chuck and Roxy are back with 3rd Wheel Simon and open the show talking about the passing of Tina Turner and then give the extensive schedule for Jinglefest 2023. Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome Mike Todd to the Podcast! (14:00). He talks all about what it's like being the in Arena Host for the Columbus Bluejackets and what it's like running a Dairy Queen franchise! TWITTER & INSTAGRAM: @ MikeTodd614 FACEBOOK: Mike Todd PLUG: Andrea's Kidney Journey (on Facebook) Then our hosts close out the show with talking about the Kings Coronation that Simon attended, Ted Lasso coming to an end, and of course your Emails and notes. Chuck also talks briefly about his friends husband who is also in need of a kidney transplant. FACEBOOK: Kidney4Clark or (43:30)


SONG: "Glidin' By" by Mark Thacker Email: Facebook: Mark Thacker Music YouTube Channel: Mark Thacker Music


Chuck and Roxy are back with 3rd Wheel Ritz finally and open this episode with more Spider Man Turn off the Dark talk and then open the mailbag early. Then they make their quick Preakness Stakes Picks and talk about the new reality show The Golden Bachelor! Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome Cameron Tabatabaie to the podcast! (15:30) TWITTER: @CTabatabaie OR @TheCelticsWire PODCAST: Celtics Lab Podcast Then our hosts close out the show with this weeks Friday 5 by Steve Lipton Episode 47. (47:00)

GUEST: Cameron Tabatabaie

SONG: "These Walls" by Ronnie O'Briant Facebook- Ronnie OBriant Music Instagram- @ronnieobriantmusic YouTube Channel- Ronnie OBriant Music ReverbNation- Ronnie OBriant


Chuck and Roxy are back and open the show with a recap of their Mothers Day trip up to Connecticut. Then they talk about a few emails they got about celebrity grave sites and Upper case / Lower case letters. They also encourage you to head over to FACEBOOK and join "Littles Picking Games" OR TWITTER: @thegrandstander to get into the PGA golf tournament this weekend. Then they plug Dan Bern's mini Midwest tour again. Go to for all the information. Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome Cheev from Somerville to the podcast (15:00). He talks about his adventures during his "3 gap years" before he went to grad school and how he got into arcuphunpture. Then they talk all about Fantasy Soccer and Spiderman Turn off the Dark (one of Broadways biggest financial flops). TWITTER: @MasterCheev They then close out the show with some more of your e-mails and notes. (48:00)

GUEST: Cheev from Somerville

SONG: "Theatre" by Rock Island. Written and produced by Evan Parish SOUND CLOUD: BAND CAMP:

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He likes crunchy… She likes smooth…He’s always over but she’s “adaptable”  However they both LOVE
“Meeting the Littles!!”
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