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Chuck and Roxy are back and open the show with your emails, notes and some very important announcements! RANDOM GATHERING: This Tuesday December 6th at 6:00pm at Emmets Pub & Restaurant. (6 Beacon St. Boston, MA 02108). LITTLE ELEVES': 6th Annual Holiday Drive is on Wednesday December 14th all day. PayPal: @roccoswarriorsNp Venmo: @Rocco28 (4 digit code is 8148) Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome Ronnie Newmyer! (12:00) FACEBOOK: Concert production: NEWMYER FLYER and BAND HOUSE GIGS. Beatles Tribute on February 11th at The Hamilton in Washington D.C. Then our hosts close out the show with their first Holiday Movie review and a Tiny Little suggestion! Anyone need a motivational pep talk??? Just call "Pep Talk" at 707-873-7862 (45:00) Then our hosts close out the show with a big thank you OR is it Roxy's worst nightmare? (53:00)

GUEST: Ronnie Newmyer

SONG: "Santa's Guilty" by Colin Steele sung by Amy Cullum EMAIL:


Chuck and Roxy are back and open the show with some emails, voice memos and thank you’s. Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome Sue Heidel to the podcast! (12:00) FACEBOOK: Sue Heidel YOUTUBE: Cincinnati Art Museum "Cam look videos" Then our hosts close out the show with some fun Thanksgiving day thoughts and announcements. (42:00) Rob Dundon’s 2nd Annual Alzheimer’s Fundraiser Raffle and Auction Alzheimer’s Link:

GUEST: Sue Heidel

SONG: "I Think My Dad Is Santa Clause" by Tim Wildsmith TWITTER & INSTAGRAM: @timwildsmith YOUTUBE:


Chuck and Roxy are back with their jam packed special Thanksgiving Eve episode and open with your emails and a special visit from Steve Ozbolt (Episode 2) AKA "Oz the Great and Flavorful." He is kind enough to share some recipes for some last minute side dishes for your Thanksgiving Dinner feast! WEBSITE: Next our hosts welcome back Bob Sproule (Episode 23) to talk about his Facebook group "Littles picking games" and gives us his annual Thanksgiving Day NFL picks. TWITTER: @TheGrandstander Then our hosts have the honor of welcoming (good friend of Tony Kornheiser), DAVE SIMS to the podcast to talk all about his career and the exciting season the Seattle Mariners just had! (TWITTER: @TheDaveSimsShow) "Basketball and Beyond" with Coach K on Sirius XM Channel 84 ESPN Radio Thursdays at 6:00pm ET. (18:00) Next our hosts welcome 3rd Wheel Ritz back to the show and close out the podcast with a Thanksgiving themed Friday Five by Greg Smallwood (Episode 179). (45:00)

GUEST: Dave Sims

SONG: "Let's Try This Again" by Nolan Reed SOUNDCLOUD:

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Screenshot 2025-02-08 at 2.13.02 PM.png
He likes crunchy… She likes smooth…He’s always over but she’s “adaptable”  However they both LOVE
“Meeting the Littles!!”
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