Chuck and Roxy are separated but back and better than ever! They open the podcast with reviews of our last episode and read your emails, and notes. They also finally give you a delayed Fantasy Football update and a "Tiny Little Suggestion!!" December 10, 2022 at 1:00pm ET. "THE HOURS" from The Met…In theaters nationally! WWW.METOPERA.ORG LITTLE ELEVES': 6th Annual Holiday Drive is on Wednesday December 14th all day. PayPal: @roccoswarriorsNp Venmo: @Rocco28 (4 digit code is 8148) Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome Will Saulsbery to the Podcast! They talk all things St. Louis, MO and very well might have discovered the ultimate bury the lead moment! (15:00) TWITTER/INSTAGRAM/FACEBOOK @moneyforguns The 10th Anniversary of the Holiday Drive for the homeless at The Arena Bar on December 12th SPOTIFY/ITUNES just search Money For Guns. Then our hosts close out the show with another "Holiday Movie Review!" (50:00)
Guest: Will Saulsbery
SONG: "Pistol and Some Dreams" by Money for Guns TWITTER/INSTAGRAM/FACEBOOK @moneyforguns SPOTIFY/ITUNES just search Money For Guns