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230. "He's a pinball furniture wizard" - Jonathan Szczepanski

Chuck and Roxy are back and open the show with a shout out to all the Mothers out there, all the various 31 “National” Days and then talk about their own one and a million stories! Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome Jonathan Szczepanski to the podcast! (16:00) They talk all about his life and how he decided to make a major life career change and started building furniture! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: Jonathan Szczepanski TWITTER: @JPSzczepanski Then our hosts close out the show with your emails, notes, and Chuck also discloses another "hobby / passion" of his. (49:00)

GUEST: Jonathan Szczepanski

SONG: "Blue Sky (The Only Blue I Know)" by Mark Thacker Facebook and YouTube Channel: Mark Thacker Music

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