Chuck and Roxy are back with 3rd Wheel Ritz finally and open this episode with more Spider Man Turn off the Dark talk and then open the mailbag early. Then they make their quick Preakness Stakes Picks and talk about the new reality show The Golden Bachelor! Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome Cameron Tabatabaie to the podcast! (15:30) TWITTER: @CTabatabaie OR @TheCelticsWire PODCAST: Celtics Lab Podcast Then our hosts close out the show with this weeks Friday 5 by Steve Lipton Episode 47. (47:00)
GUEST: Cameron Tabatabaie
SONG: "These Walls" by Ronnie O'Briant Facebook- Ronnie OBriant Music Instagram- @ronnieobriantmusic YouTube Channel- Ronnie OBriant Music ReverbNation- Ronnie OBriant