Chuck and Roxy are back and open the show with recaps of their rehearsal and tour exploits! Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome Matt Lowy to the podcast! (12:30) We talk all about his interesting life moving around in the military and because of coming on this very fine podcast he FINALLY gets to tell Cilliza to "suck it!!" TWITTER / INSTAGRAM: @lowymatt1211 Then our hosts close out the show with Chuck telling the story of another meeting of "Littles in the Wild!" and then something they NEVER talk about. (37:30) So great to actually meet Glenn Berggoetz from the band Norwegian Soft Kitten here in Ft. Wayne, IN! BOOK: "Waiting for Evening to Come" BAND: Norwegian Soft Kitten TWITTER: ns_kitten INSTAGRAM: @norwegiansoftkitten FACEBOOK: Search Norwegian Soft Kitten Finally our hosts close out the show with a quick TV recap. (44:00)
GUEST: Matt Lowy
SONG: "3 Month Situation" by The Popravinas