First aired on 11-18-23 Chuck and Roxy are back and open the show with some exciting news in Roxy's world.
Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome Nick Mariano from Beckley
, WV to the podcast (18:00)
Then our hosts close out the show with this weeks Friday 5 by Bill Pitcher (Epiaode 58) and your emails and notes. (41:00)
GUEST: Nick Mariano
SONG: "You Make Me Go oh oh" by William Scott Emert AKA SYLK YouTube: Search William Scott Emert. E-mail:
JINGLE: A Collaboration by Jerry in Annandale, VA & Michelle in Annandale, VARecorded: 06/24/2014 Released: 07/02/2014 First aired: 07/02/2014