Chuck and Roxy are back with 3rd Wheel Tiny Chuck (and a special guest) to open the show with a quick "so long, farewell" to Tiny Chuck. We then catch up with him and hear all about how his holiday is starting. Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome Charley Warren to the podcast. (11:30) So much to get into with him as we get to hear all about his child's "progressive wedding!" FACEBOOK: Search Chalres Warren from Ft. Smith, AR. Then our hosts close out the show with some news items, your emails and notes! (43:45)
GUEST: Charley Warren
SONG: "Santa's Guilty" by Colin Steele sung by Amy Cullum EMAIL:
JINGLE: "White Christmas (in Florida)" A parody of a song by Irving Berlin. Recorded by Kj Ohnstad in MinnesotaRecorded: 12/17/2015 Released: 12/18/2015 First aired: unaired