Chuck and Roxy are back and open the show trying to get to the bottom of some missing items from their honeymoon trip. They also talk about The Bachelorette premiere. Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome from the 330 Sean Spitzer to the podcast! (17:30) We talk all about him growing up in Ohio and later in life his time working for the Obama campaign. TWITTER: @snssptzr Then our hosts close out the show talking about a "immaculate inning" and then with a few of your emails and notes. (51:00)
GUEST: Sean Spitzer
SONG: "Run run" by Little Warrior
SONG 2 (48:30): "Happy Birthday Stewart" by Dan Bern (Episode 30)
Podcast Website -  Podcast Email - WTFCPODNET@GMAIL.COM Twitter:@loyallittlespod Instagram: @theloyallittlespodcast PODCAST LOGO DESIGN by Eric Londergan Search: ericlondergan or copy and paste this link!