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Chuck and Roxy welcome back to the show Simon to give some updates, shout outs, and their top 10 favorite bracket names for The Loyal Littles Podcast bracket challenge! Next it’s time to “Meet the Littles” as they welcome Kim Willson @kimwills33 to the show! (9:30) Then our hosts close out the show with a “Tiny Little Suggestion”. (45:00)

Guest: Kim Willson

SONG: "Narrow Minded" by Bertrands Wish


Chuck and Roxy welcome back to the show Drey and open the show with exciting news about their non-existing “prize closet”, give an NCAA bracket update and then read what some might say a wicked epic email about beahs & bahhs. Next it’s time to “Meet the Littles” - Anthony Verna! (12:00). Then our hosts close out the show with this weeks Friday 5! (55:00)

Guest: Anthony Verna

SONG: "Lost and Drifting" by Dante Mazzetti.


Chuck and Roxy open the show by welcoming first time co-host Andrea Neumann to the podcast and talk about....what else....BEER! Then it’s time to “Meet the Littles” with special guest Mike from Burke, Virginia. (12:00) Then our hosts close out the show with Oscar & Grammy talk and some other news items. (48:30).

Guest: Mike from Burke, VA

SONG: "Phantom Vibrations" by Phonolux.

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Chuck and Roxy drawn by Eric Londergan
He likes crunchy… She likes smooth…He’s always over but she’s “adaptable”  However they both LOVE
“Meeting the Littles!!”
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Podcast Logo Designed and drawn by Eric LonDergan
Webmistress  - Dina (in Damascus) Yagodich
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