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Chuck and Roxy are flying solo again this episode and open with some corrections, updates, and emails. Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" with our guest ERIC BARNES! Twitter: @ericcbarnes. (10:00) Then our hosts close out the show with a "Tiny Little Suggestion", a mini tribute to one of our greatest entertainers, and a quick Bachelorette update! (47:30)

Guest: Eric Barnes

SONG: "Only Wanted to Be" by The Pierce Kingans Bandcamp:

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Chuck and Roxy are joined this episode by Simon and Ritz and open the show with emails and discussing the Olympics actually starting before the opening ceremony. Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" with our special guest SARAH COELHO! (13:30) Then our hosts close out the show with this weeks Friday 5! (53:45)

Guest: Sarah Coelho


Chuck and Roxy are flying solo today and open the show with yet ANOTHER special birthday wish and some of your emails. Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" with JOE MAGNU! (10:30) Then our hosts close out the show with some important information and a funny story they knew would eventually happen. (52:30)

Guest: Joe Magnu

SONG: "Ain't Gonna Let That Bring Me Down" by The Ramblers Youtube:

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