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Chuck and Roxy are back and open the show with a reunion in the WTFC Podcast studios where Chuck does a quick recap of his trip and times in Milwaukee! Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome Jeff Svoboda from The Columbus Bluejackets to the podcast! (10:00) TWITTER/INSTAGRAM @jacketsinsider Then our hosts close out the show with a quick recap of the Super Bowl by welcoming Tiny Chuck back to the show! (45:00)

GUEST: Jeff Svoboda

SONG: "Wake up" by Dante Mazzetti;

JINGLE: You Never Can Tell

A parody of a song by Chuck Berry Recorded by Brad Weiss in Carrboro, NC

Recorded: 04/14/2016  First aired: unaired


Chuck and Roxy are back and open the show with a quick congratulations to Roxy for finishing her course she has been working on for almost a year and she also got cupped!! Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" when Choxy welcome Glenn Berggoetz from the band Norwegian Soft Kitten to the podcast! (15:00) FILMS: "To Die Is Hard" on Tubi TV BOOKS: just search Glenn Berggoetz INSTAGRAM: @glennberggoetz TWITTER: @GlennBerggoetz Then our hosts close out the show talking about the Grammy's and your emails/notes. (48:30)

GUEST: Glenn Berggoetz

SONG: "To New Endings" by Norwegian Soft Kitten BAND CAMP / SOUND CLOUD: Search Norwegian Soft Kitten TWITTER: ns_kitten INSTAGRAM: @norwegiansoftkitten FACEBOOK: Search Norwegian Soft Kitten

JINGLE: Total Eclipse of the Heart (Turn It 'Round!) A Collaboration by John Quinn in Dublin, Ireland & Michelle Negrelli in Annandale, VARecorded: 05/15/2015  First aired: 05/21/2015


Chuck and Roxy are back with a rare Sunday show! They open with some feedback on our last episode and Groundhog Day updates! They also pay tribute to the passing of Carl Weathers, Hinton Battle, and of course Chita Rivera. Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome Julian Driedger to the show! (19:30) We talk about him growing up in Canada and what it’s like to be in -45º weather and attending the "school of life." INSTAGRAM: @mr.jules.driedger Then our hosts close out the show with your emails and notes. (45:30)

GUEST: Julian Driedger

SONG: "Grandson" by Lannie Bolde. / 

JINGLE / SONG: "100 Years Ago on PTI" by Dan Bern Twitter - @DanBernHQ

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Chuck and Roxy drawn by Eric Londergan
He likes crunchy… She likes smooth…He’s always over but she’s “adaptable”  However they both LOVE
“Meeting the Littles!!”
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