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Chuck and Roxy are back and open the show with a hockey AND bowling segment as we all celebrate Leap Day! Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome all the way from our favorite Midwest town Toronto, Canada Sean and Sarabeth Holden! (19:30) We talk all about their brewery "Red Tape Brewery" (where they host Summer of Littles events) and Sarabeth's children's books! ("Please Don't Change My Diaper" / "Benny the Bananasaurus Rex" / "Sea Snooze") Brewery INSTAGRAM & TWITTER: @redtapebrewery FACEBOOK: Search Red Tape Brewery. Sarabeth's Twitter: @akkarala Sean's Instagram: @pbbtttb Then Chuck and Roxy close out the show talking about some TV talk and then read your emails and notes. (55:00)

GUEST: Sean & Sarabeth Holden

SONG: "Let's Try This Again" by Nolan Reed SOUNDCLOUD:

JINGLE: Where Everybody Knows Your Name (Cheers Theme) A parody of a song by Gary Portnoy and Judy Hart-Angelo

Recorded by Louis B. Crocco in New York, NY

Recorded: 3/5/2022 First aired: unaired


Chuck and Roxy are back and open this jam packed episode with a few reviews of the previous episode and then a quick visit for 5 Mediocre Minutes from Episode 53, Dina in Damascus! We talk all about the upcoming LITTLEPALOOZA events which will take place June 7-9! Don't forget to reserve for the events on the LITTLEPALOOZA website! WEBSITE: Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome from "Fox 6 now" in Milwaukee, WI Ted Perry! (14:30) INSTAGRAM: @theteditorial TV: Then they close out the show with a "Littles helping Littles" moment and then your emails and notes! (47:00)

GUEST:Ted Perry

SONG: "Love & Cuss" by Lorenza Wildcard Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / YouTube / Tik Tok / SoundCloud. SEARCH: Lorenza WildcardEMAIL: for interviews and further info.

JINGLE: News Anchor: From Tony at the SuperBowl with Love (Earth Angel)A parody of a song by the Penguins.Recorded by Brandon S Bowker in Lexington, KyRecorded: 02/01/2015  Released: 11/11/2015  First aired: unaired


Chuck and Roxy are back and open the show with this weeks Friday 5 by Karen Kaminsky (Episode 8) and are lucky enough to be joined by Episode 100 Torie Clarke!! PODCAST: @DCBooksChatter Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome play by play announcer for the Niagara Ice Dogs Ted Lehman (27:00) We get to talk about hearing his team on PTI just this past Thursday and then Tony talking about it again on yesterday's TK Podcast!! ICE DOG GAMES: Then our hosts close out the show with your emails and notes. (55:00)

GUEST: Ted Lehman

SONG: "I Took A Ride" by Steve Lipton. TWITTER: @mrlip5

JINGLE: Last Kiss (Elsewhere in the NHL) A parody of a song by J. Frank Wilson.Recorded by Jerry in Annandale, VARecorded: 03/22/2016  Released: 03/22/2016  First aired: unaired

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Chuck and Roxy drawn by Eric Londergan
He likes crunchy… She likes smooth…He’s always over but she’s “adaptable”  However they both LOVE
“Meeting the Littles!!”
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Webmistress  - Dina (in Damascus) Yagodich
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