Chuck and Roxy are back and open the show with a few email, some TV talk, and revisit a topic from Chuck's birthday episode. Next it's time to "Meet the Littles" as our hosts welcome Mark Hughes to the podcast. (16:00) FACEBOOK: Search Mark Hughes SON'S BOOK: "Markets in Chaos: A History of Market Crises Around the World"Â by Brandon Hughes use our code LLPOD for your discount! Then our hosts close out the show with your emails and notes! (43:00)
GUEST: Mark Hughes
SONG: Â "Kennedy and Monroe" by Hot Pink Hangover
JINGLE: Trash People - A parody of a song by Randy Newman.Recorded by Sean Morrissey in Frederick,MDRecorded: 12/08/2016  Released: 12/08/2016  First aired: 12/13/2016
Podcast Website -  Podcast Email - WTFCPODNET@GMAIL.COM Twitter:@loyallittlespod Instagram: @theloyallittlespodcast PODCAST LOGO DESIGN by Eric Londergan Search: ericlondergan